Annoying Fucks.
Fakes need to start acting real, no bullshit.
Liars, your fucking nose is gonna grow like Pinocchio. Ha
Players your gonna get your heartbroken one of these beautiful days.
Wanna-be's you'll soon be no one!
Annoying fucks, you'll get an ass beating.
Hoes, close your legs por favor and shit. Ha
There are a shitload of these people above in Tucson,
I just realized.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Chalk Drawing!

By Julian Beaver.
All chalk drawn, no actual wholes/objects at all, just flat pavement and amazing color
Isn't this shit fucking insane or what!?
FUCK! It really does look like he's standing on that little thing!
Like this guy is so talented, wow" is all i can say!!
What do you think?
Friday Nights
Travel Channel

You n e e d to watch Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern, this show is fucking dope and shit. Like yeah it's sorta kinda gross, but I fucking love this show. And the new season comes out in 2 days. When it comes to Travel Channel and Discovery Channel I'm a fucking nerd. I can watch it all day, its so captivating. WATCH THIS SHOW!!! You'll like it I promise.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Best News I got

Today at school was a good day, Calm, Chill, just so damn good. Okay so like I want this schedule change right? Okay, anyways, so I'm in with my consular and they're not doing shit, Like my schedule was the same, but I have yearbook now. Haha To the point, I wanted to see my credits, and I have fucking 8!!! I'm ahead of the ball game, if I pass all my classes by the end of the year, I should have about 15, 16. And to be a junior you need about 12 or something I dont know. But I'll have more, and to be considered a senior you need 15, that means next year instead of being a junior I'll be a senior and I can graduate early! That means I can NOT fuck up! More studying, less partying!!!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Summer is now offically over. This summer was a roller coaster like literally. My summer went from the best summer ever, to the worst, to having to shead some tears, and meeting new people who became a big part in my life today, having to not like a person as I thought, having to argue with parents, boys came and went. Over the summer I learned alot, I realized and saw everyones true colors, and not all of them were good. Friends came in my life and left, I'm apperciative of what I have, and the people in my life. This sumemr was a pretty damn good summer, but again it had it's bad points.
First day of school,
Well it wasn't what I thought it would be.
So many people this year,
I couldnt even find my friends,
I had to call them haha,
My classes are okay, but my welding class.
Ugh it sucks, I have to do man jobs and shit! Its pretty gay.
My classes are like all packed for some reason.
But I do like to see everyone's on style, its pretty cool I guess.
Sorry I've been lagging on the post.
Well it wasn't what I thought it would be.
So many people this year,
I couldnt even find my friends,
I had to call them haha,
My classes are okay, but my welding class.
Ugh it sucks, I have to do man jobs and shit! Its pretty gay.
My classes are like all packed for some reason.
But I do like to see everyone's on style, its pretty cool I guess.
Sorry I've been lagging on the post.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Leave Me Alone
I swear I come back to town happy,
And than a gay fuck tries to fuck it all up,
Like I don't know why you don't understand,
Or leave me alone,
It annoys me,
It frustrates me,
Your worse than a girl,
You have some deep issues, grow some balls.
Your nothing to me in my life.
Go away.
And than a gay fuck tries to fuck it all up,
Like I don't know why you don't understand,
Or leave me alone,
It annoys me,
It frustrates me,
Your worse than a girl,
You have some deep issues, grow some balls.
Your nothing to me in my life.
Go away.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Bloggers I will be gone for about 6 days without a new post,
My apology for that.
As soon as I get back, I will have a new post.
Thanks for reading.
My apology for that.
As soon as I get back, I will have a new post.
Thanks for reading.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Guero Canelo
Shark Week Continued

Fuck its the best, If I could be any kind of fish I would be a Great White, Those bitches jump out of the water, They can grow to 25 ft long, thousands of teeth, I will demolish in the ocean. Haha No seriously watch it, its fucking insane, And the fatalities that happen are captivating, If you watch it you'll stay stuck on it. Haha swear! Shark Week is dope as fuck.
You Serve No Purpose
I think about you,
Or I get a dumb ass text from you,
And I fucking rage with anger,
Because you annoy the fuck out of me,
You just tell me how I am the same as every other girl,
To tell me about my bullshit,
One I know who I am and I am not like every other bitch, ha
2nd you just can't stand the fact that I don't try as hard,
And because you assume to much shit,
Thats your problem not mine.
I can careless what you think or say about me,
In my eyes it's just immaturity and its amusing,
Talk shit,
Hate me,
I can care less honestly.
Maybe you should just leave me alone already,
You serve NO purpose in my life, now just get the fuck out!
Or I get a dumb ass text from you,
And I fucking rage with anger,
Because you annoy the fuck out of me,
You just tell me how I am the same as every other girl,
To tell me about my bullshit,
One I know who I am and I am not like every other bitch, ha
2nd you just can't stand the fact that I don't try as hard,
And because you assume to much shit,
Thats your problem not mine.
I can careless what you think or say about me,
In my eyes it's just immaturity and its amusing,
Talk shit,
Hate me,
I can care less honestly.
Maybe you should just leave me alone already,
You serve NO purpose in my life, now just get the fuck out!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Do you know who you are?
Are you sure you exist?
Living in a cruel world,
Cold hearts,
You are invisible,
People act as if you are nothing,
I can see you cry.
They will see you fall,
I had hear your pain,
You scream as loud as you can,
No one listens acts as nothing.
You feel nothing but pain.
Are you sure you exist?
Are you just air?
What are you?
You are invisible,
Your not loved,
Your heart is cold.
Who are you?
Are you sure you exist?
Living in a cruel world,
Cold hearts,
You are invisible,
People act as if you are nothing,
I can see you cry.
They will see you fall,
I had hear your pain,
You scream as loud as you can,
No one listens acts as nothing.
You feel nothing but pain.
Are you sure you exist?
Are you just air?
What are you?
You are invisible,
Your not loved,
Your heart is cold.
Who are you?
Myspace Fucks,
I have been deleting people,
Either I don't talk to,
Or know you or your just an immature little kid,
Like no offense but all these "SuPeRMaN's" and shit gotta go.
Or like this is the "offical whatever the fuck your name is" lol has to go!
Its starting to get annoying having so many friends, so therefore you are going to get deleted. If your one of those people I don't know, you'll probably get deleted in the next 24hrs.
Yeah your probably saying in your head this girl is a bitch,
well I don't give a fuck honestly.
I do not care what you think, and I do not care if I delete you, haha
I have been deleting people,
Either I don't talk to,
Or know you or your just an immature little kid,
Like no offense but all these "SuPeRMaN's" and shit gotta go.
Or like this is the "offical whatever the fuck your name is" lol has to go!
Its starting to get annoying having so many friends, so therefore you are going to get deleted. If your one of those people I don't know, you'll probably get deleted in the next 24hrs.
Yeah your probably saying in your head this girl is a bitch,
well I don't give a fuck honestly.
I do not care what you think, and I do not care if I delete you, haha
And it never ends'

Why is this always a debate? Who's better? Who? Who? WHO?!
Yeah Drake, fucking falls like an idiot, and maybe he has some freestyle fuck ups, but who doesn't? Wtf Weezy falls like an idiot as well, why don't you all argue about that? Yet, Drake has his own way of expressing his ways in his music, but you all think he is a miniature Wayne, but he really isn't. Yet Cudi is dope as fuck. But see his music to me relates to his life, and he's been through some shit. This is my opinion because everyone fucking argues about this shit like all the time, but WHY? Like they both are great artist in general, is one better than the other or what? But I must say Cudi is dope though, haha. Sorry that's my o p i n i o n people fuck.
Yeah Drake, fucking falls like an idiot, and maybe he has some freestyle fuck ups, but who doesn't? Wtf Weezy falls like an idiot as well, why don't you all argue about that? Yet, Drake has his own way of expressing his ways in his music, but you all think he is a miniature Wayne, but he really isn't. Yet Cudi is dope as fuck. But see his music to me relates to his life, and he's been through some shit. This is my opinion because everyone fucking argues about this shit like all the time, but WHY? Like they both are great artist in general, is one better than the other or what? But I must say Cudi is dope though, haha. Sorry that's my o p i n i o n people fuck.
Cholla High Schedule
1. Spanish 3 Leal, S
2. Welding Design and Fab 1 Strickland, T
3. Law, Safety Security 1 Webb, T
4. Geometry Honors 1 Tba, B
5. Chemistry 1 Brabant, M
6. English 10-1st Sem, Honors Conway, A
7. American Goverment 1 Collin, D
I got all the classes I had wanted, but I just
need to change teachers, Webb to Gustelum.
Do I have any class with you? (Cholla Students)
2. Welding Design and Fab 1 Strickland, T
3. Law, Safety Security 1 Webb, T
4. Geometry Honors 1 Tba, B
5. Chemistry 1 Brabant, M
6. English 10-1st Sem, Honors Conway, A
7. American Goverment 1 Collin, D
I got all the classes I had wanted, but I just
need to change teachers, Webb to Gustelum.
Do I have any class with you? (Cholla Students)
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Shark Week
Saturday, August 1, 2009

So I have this Wife name Chi,
But I call her Nicole. Big difference you say, I know but who gives a fuck. She's so awesome, and a upfront person.
Too smart to be fooled she is. When I need help she's there. She's a type of person who keeps her word. Who can careless of what YOU people think. Therefore she is MY wife. Her personalities fits to mine, great advice giver she is <2 I'm glad I met her, and now is my wife. Till' death do us part babe. lol
Okay so like school starts in a few weeks for me,
On August 17th.
So my first year of high school I did horrible,
I really did bomb it. My parents were disappointed.
My goal for this school year I will get the good grades I usually get.
Pay attention.
Less going out.
More studying.
I do have a future, and I'm not willing to ruin it.
On August 17th.
So my first year of high school I did horrible,
I really did bomb it. My parents were disappointed.
My goal for this school year I will get the good grades I usually get.
Pay attention.
Less going out.
More studying.
I do have a future, and I'm not willing to ruin it.
Last night I have a few words,
Insane, Fun, Tiring.
You ask why?
Insane, first of all who crawls under a table saying we are being safe
because there could be an earth quake. (Wille&Alisia&Me)
Fun, I was pretty trashed.
Tiring, I got chased down the parking lot by Micheal, he was drunk so was I,
It was a fun ass night.
Insane, Fun, Tiring.
You ask why?
Insane, first of all who crawls under a table saying we are being safe
because there could be an earth quake. (Wille&Alisia&Me)
Fun, I was pretty trashed.
Tiring, I got chased down the parking lot by Micheal, he was drunk so was I,
It was a fun ass night.
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