I have been feeling lately like I don't care,
Its either maybe because I have anger raging inside me,
I have a bad temper, and I'm starting to get stubborn,
The reason for this I feel is because there are to many fake people in
my life that need to get the fuck out,
Yes this isn't so classy of me, but it's what I feel,
I can't stand you fakes, and those who are pretenders.
Its time you wake up, and be who you are,
Not who you WANT to be.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
More like my brother,
We were younger all we would do is fight,
He has his own world, and I have mine,
We are closer than you might think,
We know things you don't nor our parents know,
The crazy fact is, his Mom is my Sister.
Isn't that so weird, I bet you don't hear that so often.
Yet he is only my nephew I hate hime sometimes,
And maybe sometimes I wish I can kik his ass,
We know what gets on each others nerves,
We have our different crowds, and yet we still get along.
Everyone thinks he's my brother, which he almost well,
basically is, he's taller yet younger. Ha.
I love this ruh-tard<2
We were younger all we would do is fight,
He has his own world, and I have mine,
We are closer than you might think,
We know things you don't nor our parents know,
The crazy fact is, his Mom is my Sister.
Isn't that so weird, I bet you don't hear that so often.
Yet he is only my nephew I hate hime sometimes,
And maybe sometimes I wish I can kik his ass,
We know what gets on each others nerves,
We have our different crowds, and yet we still get along.
Everyone thinks he's my brother, which he almost well,
basically is, he's taller yet younger. Ha.
I love this ruh-tard<2

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Dope <2

B i z z a r e F o o d s
-Travel Channel
Have any of you ever seen this show?
Holy fuck, its dope. Like the name might sound lame as shit, but it's not. This guy Andrew Zimmern travels the world, eating the weirdest and nastiest shit ever. For example would you ever think of eating a bat, or a tuna heart? Ah NO! Ha. Watch this show, its pretty interesting, and very captivating, I promise it is.

I've been wanting to feel some sort of pain,
not as in a broken heart, or any emotional feeling, a pain of art. Piercings&Tattoos. I like the whole idea of tattoos&percings in the future I will have more. Ink is a great way of art, and another way to express yourself but on your body <2 One of the pictures, is a full body of tattoos, that is insane. Incredible.
In my mind, and in yours.
You have these split personalities I don't get, One moment you seem happy, the next your questioning me, or your either mad. And I know it's because of me, and I don't get what I do. Plus you shouldn't be getting like that if you know we are not together, you know? Stop WORRYING so much, by doing that I push myself away, You think I have another someone, but honestly I dont, I'm not that typical girl who talks to the world, like you think. Key word: Think. Plus you assume I do bad things, which I really don't do really anything. Yes I'm good friends with the people you can't stand, but in my eyes, They are great people, and if you have a problem with that, I'm sorry but your going to have to deal with it. I had a point of liking you as a person, now your making my mind go threw a confusion stage. You ask why? And its because you have split personalities, and I wanna ask you why? In my mind, I just don't get you. I try to figure you out but I still can't, I try to make you Open up to me and for some reason you don't. I'm just being myself, Stupid, and funny is me. Ha Maybe you just need to relax and think about things, before its to late and I have to make that decision for you.
Monday, July 27, 2009
I don't get why everyone cares about everyone, you know?
Like for example the whole blog issue, who's blog is weaker and who's is more passionate.
Its pretty pathetic, like the reason someone has a blog is to find a way to express themselves,
Beside having a myspace, and/or a twitter. Why should it matter?
Like for example the whole blog issue, who's blog is weaker and who's is more passionate.
Its pretty pathetic, like the reason someone has a blog is to find a way to express themselves,
Beside having a myspace, and/or a twitter. Why should it matter?
Never Fall Asleep in the Jungle
I was just googling random things about the jungle, and I came to this website:
holy fucking shit is what your going to think.
Check it out!
holy fucking shit is what your going to think.
Check it out!
Whats your passion?
There's a difference in loving something, and having a passion for something.
a. strong predilection, enthusiasm, or liking for anything
a. the object of such a fondness or desire
For example I've found that I have a passion for writing, I find myself to always have something to write about even if it's not as captivating.
I love to listen to music, it soothes my mind, clears my thoughts and takes me else where, therefor I love it.
What do you love?
There's a difference in loving something, and having a passion for something.
a. strong predilection, enthusiasm, or liking for anything
a. the object of such a fondness or desire
For example I've found that I have a passion for writing, I find myself to always have something to write about even if it's not as captivating.
I love to listen to music, it soothes my mind, clears my thoughts and takes me else where, therefor I love it.
What do you love?
The Ugly Truth'
Whats up with everyone stereotyping? Labeling girls as 'Whores' and guys as 'Dicks'. Making it seem like very girl is the same, that they just want DICK', why would you assume that about every girl you see? [Reality Check] That's one of the false statements I've heard, yet because not every single girl is the same, if you where to see a girl who at school is the smartest and she's the one you copy off of in math, so shes a WHORE too, for letting you copy or what? Maybe she never had dick, but yet in your minds she's a 'Whore'? Okay now guys, you guys are known for being dicks and so called 'players' because for one you cause talk about the same thing, when you guys are with just you and your friends whats mostly what you talk about? 'The Bitches' right, and how many times you got some. Maybe all the girls and guys are different but we all have a problem with 'assuming' they are all the Same...It's the same for girls, don't just label them as 'Whores' just because you've came across those type of girls before, and girls don't just assume every guy will treat you the same, because maybe just maybe they're not all the same.
Whats up with everyone stereotyping? Labeling girls as 'Whores' and guys as 'Dicks'. Making it seem like very girl is the same, that they just want DICK', why would you assume that about every girl you see? [Reality Check] That's one of the false statements I've heard, yet because not every single girl is the same, if you where to see a girl who at school is the smartest and she's the one you copy off of in math, so shes a WHORE too, for letting you copy or what? Maybe she never had dick, but yet in your minds she's a 'Whore'? Okay now guys, you guys are known for being dicks and so called 'players' because for one you cause talk about the same thing, when you guys are with just you and your friends whats mostly what you talk about? 'The Bitches' right, and how many times you got some. Maybe all the girls and guys are different but we all have a problem with 'assuming' they are all the Same...It's the same for girls, don't just label them as 'Whores' just because you've came across those type of girls before, and girls don't just assume every guy will treat you the same, because maybe just maybe they're not all the same.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
They Cry For Help
I was just browsing the internet and you know how we all have pop-ups and we hate them, but this one caught my eye. I just read it and it was for Kids With Aids In Africa. A tear literly came to my eye, as I read its not just elder people with aids, its kids that are from the ages of 3 years old who suffer with Aids. Its like no joke, plus they are poor, and live in a hut, with about 8 other childern plus adults. These childern go about 5 days without having a drink of water nor food. It makes me apperciate what I have, and want to start helping these childern who have nothing and suffer of a dangerous diease, and stop them from dying.

Me Than Me Now
I've seen the change in me in the past year. Yet that might not be a long time of a change, but it is a change. Right? Last year I was weak, and I was always sad, I would cry myself to sleep, I would fight with everyone, and I was selfish. I didn't apperciate what I had, I just kept wanting and wanting and I wasn't giving. My parents would do so much, and I just kept doing things behind their backs. The arguing, and the fighting around my house wasn't about my nephew's bad grades, or the bills, it was about ME always fucking up, my dad honestly thought I was not going to have a life. I would walk by the restroom and I could hear my mom crying, knowing that it was all my fault, I felt awful. Realzing that I need to change myways, and FAST! Before my family falls apart, I had no one to talk to, I had no trust in no one, and it was hard, not having someone there.
Till' this day I apologize to my parents about the way I behaved, and the actions I had choose, and I'm now willing to think before I do anything. Its called Growing Up. I love my parents dearly, and I've learned not to take advantage of them when they do so much for me.
I've seen the change in me in the past year. Yet that might not be a long time of a change, but it is a change. Right? Last year I was weak, and I was always sad, I would cry myself to sleep, I would fight with everyone, and I was selfish. I didn't apperciate what I had, I just kept wanting and wanting and I wasn't giving. My parents would do so much, and I just kept doing things behind their backs. The arguing, and the fighting around my house wasn't about my nephew's bad grades, or the bills, it was about ME always fucking up, my dad honestly thought I was not going to have a life. I would walk by the restroom and I could hear my mom crying, knowing that it was all my fault, I felt awful. Realzing that I need to change myways, and FAST! Before my family falls apart, I had no one to talk to, I had no trust in no one, and it was hard, not having someone there.
Till' this day I apologize to my parents about the way I behaved, and the actions I had choose, and I'm now willing to think before I do anything. Its called Growing Up. I love my parents dearly, and I've learned not to take advantage of them when they do so much for me.
Friday, July 24, 2009

Okay so there's this girl,
Shes insane,
Shes a bitch,
She's my number one hoe of all time,
Can you beat her? Fuck no you can't.
She dances, holy fuck is what comes to your head.
The next thing you know, she'll be with YOUR boyfriend, ha.
Slut? I wouldn't consider her that, maybe she just like to experiment.
Can you relate?
Maybe, are you worse? Maybe,
Send her a text,
Your be full with excitement.
I call her My best fucking friend hoes.
Thanks for reading, you think this is dumb, go look at your face in the mirror,
Now that shit is UGLY :)
-Moeeeeee <2
You <2
Before I sleep your the first thing that pops in my head,
Wondering if your another one of those 'come&goes'
I wonder if our lips will ever touch again,
That feeling you give me when I see you,
The way you make me so nervous,
I cant even talk straight,
When I read a text of yours it makes my butterflies go insane!
We hang out and all I can think about is how unbelieveably cute you are,
The way you talk to me,
So sweet,
You whisper to me the cutest things ever,
You smile,
I smile bigger,
I say something you laugh,
I look away you stare,
I look at you,
We look at each other,
Getting closer,
Your kiss,
Your touch,
I wish I could just explain,
I can't,
How do you do this?
Monday, July 20, 2009
This weekend wasn't just fun it was a adventure,
My Friday was better than my Saturday,
I went to a kickback/party with the gals (Alisia, Ash, Bell, and Leticia) <3 it was like a cockfeast literally, a girl wanted to get freaky with Alisia and Bell.
Haha It was so funny, later went to another kickback where I learned a HAND HUG :)
Have you ever done one? It sounds gay, but it's so cool.
Later picked up C;Los, and went to another so called "KickBack" it was gay,
they had nothing, but we had to sign the [guest book] lmao. Que cool? Not!
Ended up at the Diamond Shamrock, everyone went home.
I drove my friends truck, and hit a crub! Haha Thats the end of that night.
Saturday, everyone was lagging! Like we had to call like 4 people just for a damn ride.
Me Ash, and Leti were gonna stick to plan A [Take Ashley's Moms Car] Lmao
Like 3 hours later, [12:ish] we got a ride. We went to Star Valley,
Which is super far, and sad part is we couldnt get in the damn fucking party!
So we had to leave, driving, driving, and FLASH!
Those camera things flashed the car we were in, haha that sucks for the
driver, right?
Finally a poppin' party, on Mission and Silverlake, we get there and...
You hear GUN SHOTS, People running, Driving Fast!
Wtf is going on? No one answers there phone! So we go to Waffle house to meet up,
with some friends,
We go use the restroom, we don't notice the girls who walk in,
Before you know it Ash&Leti are ready to beat a bitch! While I'm the Calm one,
trying to figure out whats going on!
Leti slams the door on a bitch, and other bitches are just running there mouth!
And I still don't get whats going on! Lmao,
We all leave and our ride, left us, so we had to go with the guys,
We ended up to to Best Western [hotel] and there's nothing there either,
but those bitches are there. Arguing and arguing again.
Someone was asking for an ass beating.
Of course we leave, and we meet up with some chicks,
Finally someone answered and gave us a party to go to,
We are on San Jauqin. driving driving, and DRIVING and still NO PARTY!
Before you know it, the ROAD ENDS! Wtf!
"We're in Fucking Kansas!" -Willie Haha
Everyones mad, fustrated! Some peoples buzz was fading away!
Fuck we all gave up!
Going home, its like 4; Wait...
There was hope, there was a kickback, wow!
No beer :( Fuck! Oh well, I look to my right, girls are like having sex, haha joking,
but it sure looked like it. Girl's girlfriend's ex-girlfriend girlfriend, haha make sense?
No! So we all had to leave, blah.
We just walked home, okay so like a truck drives by slow,
than at the corner flips a bitch! Me Ash and Leti, fucking run and hide, at some
ladies house,
This man is now looking for us! Its so scary. Me and Leti laugh,
at how serious Ashley is "Stop laughing, this isn't funny" Haha
So while we are waiting to see if this CREEP left, we are telling stories.
Ah finally he is gone, we decide to go to [LosBetos], We were hungry!
Wait I forgot, while we are walking we met two nice dudes Ricky&Micheal,
okay enough of that, we get to Losbetos,
its suppose to be open, and we are yelling our heads off for someone, to let us order!
Finally, the old man wakes up, I won't blame him it was like 5:30ish,
He gives us our food, and we look like homeless girls! Haha Lmao,
Everyone was asking us if we were okay?
Now going home it's 6 now, we see a cute dog, pick it up, and take it home with us,
We saved a dog. Haha We were all so proud,
We get to Ashleys and have to jump a 7 ft. tall fence! I'm like 5'something,
I can't just jump that shit! Haha We used a chair we made our ways over,
finally we all did it.
WE got inside, Leti had some issues squeezing in her ass is to BIG :)
I'm tired, I just wanna sleep, and the damn dog is annoying! So I crash, other dogs
are trying to get in, ends up the dog we thought we saved had a home. So
like we jacked it! Haha
The end <3
My Friday was better than my Saturday,
I went to a kickback/party with the gals (Alisia, Ash, Bell, and Leticia) <3 it was like a cockfeast literally, a girl wanted to get freaky with Alisia and Bell.
Haha It was so funny, later went to another kickback where I learned a HAND HUG :)
Have you ever done one? It sounds gay, but it's so cool.
Later picked up C;Los, and went to another so called "KickBack" it was gay,
they had nothing, but we had to sign the [guest book] lmao. Que cool? Not!
Ended up at the Diamond Shamrock, everyone went home.
I drove my friends truck, and hit a crub! Haha Thats the end of that night.
Saturday, everyone was lagging! Like we had to call like 4 people just for a damn ride.
Me Ash, and Leti were gonna stick to plan A [Take Ashley's Moms Car] Lmao
Like 3 hours later, [12:ish] we got a ride. We went to Star Valley,
Which is super far, and sad part is we couldnt get in the damn fucking party!
So we had to leave, driving, driving, and FLASH!
Those camera things flashed the car we were in, haha that sucks for the
driver, right?
Finally a poppin' party, on Mission and Silverlake, we get there and...
You hear GUN SHOTS, People running, Driving Fast!
Wtf is going on? No one answers there phone! So we go to Waffle house to meet up,
with some friends,
We go use the restroom, we don't notice the girls who walk in,
Before you know it Ash&Leti are ready to beat a bitch! While I'm the Calm one,
trying to figure out whats going on!
Leti slams the door on a bitch, and other bitches are just running there mouth!
And I still don't get whats going on! Lmao,
We all leave and our ride, left us, so we had to go with the guys,
We ended up to to Best Western [hotel] and there's nothing there either,
but those bitches are there. Arguing and arguing again.
Someone was asking for an ass beating.
Of course we leave, and we meet up with some chicks,
Finally someone answered and gave us a party to go to,
We are on San Jauqin. driving driving, and DRIVING and still NO PARTY!
Before you know it, the ROAD ENDS! Wtf!
"We're in Fucking Kansas!" -Willie Haha
Everyones mad, fustrated! Some peoples buzz was fading away!
Fuck we all gave up!
Going home, its like 4; Wait...
There was hope, there was a kickback, wow!
No beer :( Fuck! Oh well, I look to my right, girls are like having sex, haha joking,
but it sure looked like it. Girl's girlfriend's ex-girlfriend girlfriend, haha make sense?
No! So we all had to leave, blah.
We just walked home, okay so like a truck drives by slow,
than at the corner flips a bitch! Me Ash and Leti, fucking run and hide, at some
ladies house,
This man is now looking for us! Its so scary. Me and Leti laugh,
at how serious Ashley is "Stop laughing, this isn't funny" Haha
So while we are waiting to see if this CREEP left, we are telling stories.
Ah finally he is gone, we decide to go to [LosBetos], We were hungry!
Wait I forgot, while we are walking we met two nice dudes Ricky&Micheal,
okay enough of that, we get to Losbetos,
its suppose to be open, and we are yelling our heads off for someone, to let us order!
Finally, the old man wakes up, I won't blame him it was like 5:30ish,
He gives us our food, and we look like homeless girls! Haha Lmao,
Everyone was asking us if we were okay?
Now going home it's 6 now, we see a cute dog, pick it up, and take it home with us,
We saved a dog. Haha We were all so proud,
We get to Ashleys and have to jump a 7 ft. tall fence! I'm like 5'something,
I can't just jump that shit! Haha We used a chair we made our ways over,
finally we all did it.
WE got inside, Leti had some issues squeezing in her ass is to BIG :)
I'm tired, I just wanna sleep, and the damn dog is annoying! So I crash, other dogs
are trying to get in, ends up the dog we thought we saved had a home. So
like we jacked it! Haha
The end <3
Saturday, July 18, 2009

When I look at this, the first thing that comes to my mind is WTF is this? The technology nowadays is mind blowing.
Like literally.
"The design of this ultra-modern concept car is simple and yet very realistic and extraordinary. The author foresee fiberglass outer shell and alloy chassis. Thats making this model not just a nice picture, but a ready for-production project with all necessary details. Mouth dropping work!"
Thursday, July 16, 2009
For example I could remember it was the first week of summer,
not we only have like ONE month, and we go back
to school. So lame..
For example I could remember it was the first week of summer,
not we only have like ONE month, and we go back
to school. So lame..
When you lend someone your things, they are suppose to give them back, correct?
Well FUCK, this chick doesn't wanna give me my stuff back, and like its pathetic.
I find it amusing that she would lie to her "friends" saying it's her stuff,
but not only is it HER stuff lmao, but she WEARS it! Ugh! Its starting to really annoy me.
I call, text, but do I get an answer. NO! I'm really mad. Wait I didn't even lend it to her,
I left it there, on accident. Wow. How sad is that shit.
I really want my stuff, this is not the most important post,
but it's been on my mind. So thanks for reading.
Well FUCK, this chick doesn't wanna give me my stuff back, and like its pathetic.
I find it amusing that she would lie to her "friends" saying it's her stuff,
but not only is it HER stuff lmao, but she WEARS it! Ugh! Its starting to really annoy me.
I call, text, but do I get an answer. NO! I'm really mad. Wait I didn't even lend it to her,
I left it there, on accident. Wow. How sad is that shit.
I really want my stuff, this is not the most important post,
but it's been on my mind. So thanks for reading.
Monday, July 13, 2009
I got told some hurtful things, and is making me think hard.
I've have done dense things in my past,
doesn't mean I'm still that same person that I was than, I stand here now learning
from my so called "fuck-ups", have you ever been told by some that is biologically programed to,
love you, tell you that they don't even know.
Once I heard that, it was as if I could stop the tears that were running down my face.
Being told that I am a fuck up,
That I am selfish and don't care about anyone else but myself. It sucks like bad, yeah I will
admit at times I can be selfish, but it has it's limits.
I know now that I'm older I have to be mature about the actions I do,
because there's always that consequence. Sometimes I say things that I truly mean, and
nobody takes me seriously. It makes me feel like the smallest bug every and I just been
squished, it sucks. Deep down I have this fear if I ever just spill me heart out,
nobody will ever take me seriously..
I've have done dense things in my past,
doesn't mean I'm still that same person that I was than, I stand here now learning
from my so called "fuck-ups", have you ever been told by some that is biologically programed to,
love you, tell you that they don't even know.
Once I heard that, it was as if I could stop the tears that were running down my face.
Being told that I am a fuck up,
That I am selfish and don't care about anyone else but myself. It sucks like bad, yeah I will
admit at times I can be selfish, but it has it's limits.
I know now that I'm older I have to be mature about the actions I do,
because there's always that consequence. Sometimes I say things that I truly mean, and
nobody takes me seriously. It makes me feel like the smallest bug every and I just been
squished, it sucks. Deep down I have this fear if I ever just spill me heart out,
nobody will ever take me seriously..
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Dream House
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Before I sleep,
I always think about
When can I wake up in your arms?
Wanting something I never had,
Having the feeling of being love,
Know the feeling of a broken heart
Is there still hope of happiness?
Deep down inside is a girl with,
A heart that wants to be loved.
Is it to much to ask for?
Not wanting a broken heart,
Hoping there could be someone to
Complete that other half that is missing,
Could it or would it ever be filled with love?
Who knows,
I don't.
I love you,
Or I'm in love with you?
A hopeless romantic,
Wants a happy ending,
Never thought of it to be hard to love someone,
Having a feeling so deep,
Thinking you can go threw the same,
Always having that wall up,
Not being able to share that heart.
Fix it..
"If you want something you never had, you have to do something you never done."
There was this girl who I thought was a friend, not just a friend, but a trustworthy friend. So when I needed something, she would be the one I go to for the advice, she would be the one I could tell everything to. Until I started noticing how not of a good friend she really was. Noticing the true colors of a person, the ways they are. I was figuring out that if I was to keep this girl around she would back stab me in a heart beat. I started feeling insecure about her, before you know she would just call me to gossip about her own so called "friends", I never said or mentioned anything to her, like going along with her big deal. Not only is she a big time LIAR, she like to pretend to be someone she's NOT, now that irritates me. When I think about it, it makes me so angry inside. Knowing this person is so fake, and such a pretender she tries so hard just to fit in. I hope she learns, but sadly she's going to learn the hard way. The girl at school everyone talks about while walking down the hallway. I thought she was my friend, until she showed me her fake side.
When I get real mad I put my red shoes on and clap them together!
-The Only Bianca<3
-The Only Bianca<3
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.
-Henri Bergson
Essential Beauty
In frames as large as rooms that face all ways
And block the ends of streets with giant loaves,
Screen graves with custard, cover slums with praise
Of motor-oil and cuts of salmon, shine
Perpetually these sharply-pictured groves
Of how life should be. High above the gutter
A silver knife sinks into golden butter,
A glass of milk stands in a meadow, and
Well-balanced families, in fine
Midsummer weather, owe their smiles, their cars,
Even their youth, to that small cube each hand
Stretches towards. These, and the deep armchairs
Aligned to cups at bedtime, radiant bars
(Gas or electric), quarter-profile cats
By slippers on warm mats,
Reflect none of the rained-on streets and squares
They dominate outdoors. Rather, they rise
Serenely to proclaim pure crust, pure foam,
Pure coldness to our live imperfect eyes
That stare beyond this world, where nothing's made
As new or washed quite clean, seeking the home
All such inhabit. There, dark raftered pubs
Are filled with white-clothed ones from tennis-clubs,
And the boy puking his heart out in the Gents
Just missed them, as the pensioner paid
A halfpenny more for Granny Graveclothes’ Tea
To taste old age, and dying smokers sense
Walking towards them through some dappled park
As if on water that unfocused she
No match lit up, nor drag ever brought near,
Who now stands newly clear,
Smiling, and recognising, and going dark.
And block the ends of streets with giant loaves,
Screen graves with custard, cover slums with praise
Of motor-oil and cuts of salmon, shine
Perpetually these sharply-pictured groves
Of how life should be. High above the gutter
A silver knife sinks into golden butter,
A glass of milk stands in a meadow, and
Well-balanced families, in fine
Midsummer weather, owe their smiles, their cars,
Even their youth, to that small cube each hand
Stretches towards. These, and the deep armchairs
Aligned to cups at bedtime, radiant bars
(Gas or electric), quarter-profile cats
By slippers on warm mats,
Reflect none of the rained-on streets and squares
They dominate outdoors. Rather, they rise
Serenely to proclaim pure crust, pure foam,
Pure coldness to our live imperfect eyes
That stare beyond this world, where nothing's made
As new or washed quite clean, seeking the home
All such inhabit. There, dark raftered pubs
Are filled with white-clothed ones from tennis-clubs,
And the boy puking his heart out in the Gents
Just missed them, as the pensioner paid
A halfpenny more for Granny Graveclothes’ Tea
To taste old age, and dying smokers sense
Walking towards them through some dappled park
As if on water that unfocused she
No match lit up, nor drag ever brought near,
Who now stands newly clear,
Smiling, and recognising, and going dark.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Why does this happen?
Lately I've been noticing a lot of people are very judgmental. I don't get why? If you don't know the person why should you judge them?
And its frustrating, because you have people calling you "stuck up" and what not.
And the sad part is they don't know one thing about you, for example me, I always get judged,
its either how I dress, or they way I look. Honestly hang out with me, and get to know me. I'm one of the nicest people to meet, and pretty funny. I don't like getting judge and I doubt you do like to, my moto is [get to know me, than say what you want to say] not just see me and start from there.
I will always remember when we were in school, I was at cheer practice and like I wasn't with any of my usual friends, and like I ended up talking to a girl there named Chelsea, at first she didn't like me (there we go again, by judging by the way I look) and we had started talking and than laughing,
by the end she had said "Your actually pretty cool" :)
And its frustrating, because you have people calling you "stuck up" and what not.
And the sad part is they don't know one thing about you, for example me, I always get judged,
its either how I dress, or they way I look. Honestly hang out with me, and get to know me. I'm one of the nicest people to meet, and pretty funny. I don't like getting judge and I doubt you do like to, my moto is [get to know me, than say what you want to say] not just see me and start from there.
I will always remember when we were in school, I was at cheer practice and like I wasn't with any of my usual friends, and like I ended up talking to a girl there named Chelsea, at first she didn't like me (there we go again, by judging by the way I look) and we had started talking and than laughing,
by the end she had said "Your actually pretty cool" :)
-If you don't know a person, don't judge them because before you know it your gonna get judge and your not gonna like it.
Fourth Of July Weekend

All I can possibly say is WOW! It was fucking insane, like literally. Even tho my Friday night didn't go as planned. It was great, let me tell you about it: Saturday night, I was going to have a kickback at my house, but ending up going to some other kickback, oh my fucking gosh, you should of seen the way these girls were dancing. Like if they were in a mosh pit. Lol seriously! I was with Ash<3> Sunday night, fuck it was tight, like fucking awesome. Me and a group of friends went to Gate Way to swim, We played chicken fight, even played tip cup :) We even got ESCORTED by the police. Man we're we all shitting bricks. Chill Aut, Chill Aut! Haha
Monday, July 6, 2009
Everyone Has A Dream.

When I was a little girl I would dream of being one of those tall, slim, super models, beautiful body, hair. Who had everything they had dreamed of. But I look at it now, and having a changed mind. I've always wanted to work for the Fashion Industry, not just be an accessory. I don't wanna stay here in Tucson, Az my whole life. I have a dream, a future. And I will get there, no matter how hard it is. Basically I see how hard it is, how intellegent you need to be, but I know for a fact I can do. And the place to go is the City Of Dreams. :)
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